2 × SYBL ntsuab QPCR Mix (nrog cov Rox)
Khoom nta
Cov khoom lag luam no, 2 × cov lus pob ntsuab QPCL Mix, los rau hauv ib lub zog uas yuav tsum muaj rau pr ambification, siab Rox DNAX, siab Rox Kev Ntsuam xyuas zas xim, DNTPS, MG2 +, thiab PV luffer.
Cov SBRB ntsuab Kuv zas yog xim ntsuab fluorescent uas khi rau cov cheeb tsam muaj phom sij, thiab ib zaug nws khi rau cov DNA ob npaug , nws fluorescence tau zoo heev txhawb. Qhov no ua rau nws ua tau kom muaj nuj nqis ntawm ob-stranded DNA tsim thaum pricplification thaum kuaj cov kev siv fluorescence.
Rox yog siv raws li kev kho kom haum kom raug rau fluorescence txheem cuam tshuam tsis cuam tshuam rau PC, yog li no ntau qhov sib txawv spatial sib txawv. Xws sib txawv tuaj yeem tshwm sim los ntawm ntau yam ntawm ntau yam, xws li cov pipette yuam kev lossis cov piv txwv evaporation. Different fluorescence quantification instruments have different needs for ROX, and this product is suitable for fluorescence quantification analyzers that require High ROX correction.